Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dating in Madison

We are the worst at Date Night. Our schedules are insane and family time is limited, so we just don't make it out that often. We've tried taking turns planning an at home date and an actual date, date jars, getting a babysitter and getting out the door and asking "What do you want to do?" and we end up roaming the bookstore or grocery shopping.

We're lame.

Until now.

A couple months ago I had a brilliant idea. It was around the same time as we started the Cash Envelopes.  If we were going to go on a date, we were going to do it right. Ross and I are very different people. You can tell from our Netlix profiles. But I love that we're different and I love that Ross has things that he loves and although I might not love it the same way, I want to be interested in his interests. I decided we were going to do one date a month. I'd take the odd months and he'd take the even months. But here's the catch. The person planning the date plans it 100% including babysitter and has to plan it around their own interests. What THEY want to do. We've done 3 months of this and here's how it's gone.

MONTH 1: Kate's month-
For this one I wanted something exciting and different. I booked us a room at Escape Chambers.  We got locked in a room for an hour and had an hour to solve the scenario. They had a few to choose from and I went with the one called "All In"

"It was all a setup. The dealer was in on it....the other high rollers at the table were in on it.....even the waitress played her part. They took you for everything you had. Unfortunately for them, you have a plan to take it back....with interest. You call up a few "business associates" and explain the job. They all think you're certifiably insane.....and they all want in."

So basically the situation was Ross and I got involved in an underground poker game and lost all our cash. We had to find the entrance to the underground casino and find the money and get out before the bouncer came back.

Seriously, SO FUN!! We arrived a little early and decided to get drinks and appetizers at The Vintage across the street before we headed over to get locked in a room. We had a blast. It was unlike any date we've had. Unfortunately, we didn't grab the money before the time was up but we'll definitely be going back to check out the new rooms.

MONTH 2: Ross' month-

Ross loves superheros. Especially Marvel. And board games. Originally his plan was for us to go to a game night at the local board game shop, but my work schedule didn't cooperate. Sorry, babe. Instead we went out for some grub and headed to the theatre to see Ant Man. And it was awesome. I don't have the passion for Superheros like he does, but the movie was great, the company was great, and I didn't have to plan a thing. :)

MONTH 3: Kate's month-

I splurged on this. Which isn't fair to Ross, but I've been dying for a getaway weekend. I wasn't planning on telling Ross and having it be a surprise, but I'm the worst at surprises and got so excited I told him maybe an hour after booking. We had a lovely getaway at a bed and breakfast on the East side of town, The Speckled Hen Inn.

I lined up someone to stay with the girls and we had some great quiet alone time. We started with dinner at Red Robin. Our food was taking forever and a manager came up to our table to tell us our food got lost somehow, but not to worry because they're working on it now and our meal would be on her! Free food!

I spent a lot of time picking a place and then the perfect room. And it did not disappoint. We played card games, relaxed, ate food, and just hung out together. Breakfast was phenomenal: Carmel apple scones, fresh raspberries, eggs from their chickens, grilled tomato, bacon glazed with maple syrup from their maple trees...so much food. And everything was from their garden. It was AMAZING.

Before we went home to resume normal life, we walked around some stores and grabbed lunch. It was the most relaxed we've been in a long time. Much needed getaway. I'm only sad it was one night instead of two.

Next Month will be Ross' month as well as our anniversary month. I'm excited to see what he plans, and if he knows the key to my heart, it will include food.

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