This was our third fall in Wisconsin. We've tried out a different farm each year, but we have yet to find one to call our Fall Home. We've liked different things about them, but wouldn't say we LOVE them. I know, bratty. But our Utah County loving Cornbelly's set the bar pretty high.
This year we tested out Sutter's Ridge. It wasn't too far away and we know a lot of people that have been there before. I loved the farm shop and all of the goodies inside. The people lived up to the Midwest kindness standard, and the kittens were adorable.
We did a hay ride and the girls were extremely particular about which pumpkin to claim. Claire had been talking about pumpkins in school and taught us that when you put a face on a pumpkin, it is no longer a pumpkin. It is a Jack-O-Lantern. And sticking with tradition, she HAD to have a white one.
Claire and Aoife loved leading the way through the corn maze and I have no idea how it happened, but we were in and out in probably 15 minutes. I'm pretty sure we trudged through somewhere we weren't supposed to. It worked out because after 15 minutes the grown ups are frustrated and done and the kids just want out.
Our Next Adventures:
- Claire turns 5
- Uncle Jake comes for a visit (Aoife SCREAMED when I told her, "I'm so excited! I can't wait to tackle JAKE!!!!!")
- Ross' Birthday
- Thanksgiving
- Tiegan's Birthday
And then it's Holiday time! It's going to go so fast! I just hope this weather lasts. I let the girls go outside without a jacket the other day. They set up the sprinkler and then got mad when I told them they couldn't play in it. Because if the weather is this nice in November, it's obviously summer. I gave them some Halloween candy and they did forgive me.
Next up: Claire's mermaid birthday party.
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