Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Claire Got Her Ears Pierced.

Before Claire was born, I knew that I would be taking my kids to a tattoo/piercing parlor when they wanted their ears pierced. I wanted someone that did that as a career and had extensive training, loved doing it, and has a super clean shop. Unfortunately, Wisconsin law doesn't agree with my parenting desires.

Sunday I was getting ready and picking out earrings and Aoife started talking about it. I explained what getting earring entailed and how exactly they get in and she was on board. Claire was not. We talked a little about it Sunday. Ross said he was a little sad because girls wanting their ears done meant that they were getting bigger and "girlier", which meant closer to boys, and closer to Ross getting replaced. I attempted to reassure Ross that both of these girls are still arguing about who was going to marry Daddy.

Monday morning I did some research. Turns out most shops in Wisconsin won't let minors under 16 in the shop. Not shop rules, State of Wisconsin rules. Devastated. Tuesday, I searched YouTube for a video to show the girls. I found an adorable one where the girl at the end did not cry. I had Aoife come up and watch it with me, Claire was creeping around the corner and then had me play it again so she could get a closer look.

It was magical. She decided right then and there she wanted her ears pierced and she wanted it bad. I texted Ross to see what he thought and if he could sneak away from work. He was in a meeting and didn't respond right away. Claire was on pins and needles.

Claire: What did Daddy say?
Me: Nothing yet. I'm pretty sure he's in a meeting.
Claire: He's in a meeting? Great that means we can go! Let's go! (Heaven help me, I'm going to be in trouble with this girl. Dad's busy? That means YES!)

Me: Nope, I'm pretty sure he'd want to be there, too.
Claire: Oh, well.... Dad can just leave work and escape! (Clearly we're instilling great work ethics and values in this kid.)

Eventually we got a hold of Ross and he was slammed for the day. We settled on Wednesday after Claire was done with school. Enter Wednesday and psycho mom. Aoife decided she no longer wanted her ears pierced, but wants them done for her birthday instead. Before picking up Claire, I decided to take Aoife to scope out the mall. And by scope, I obviously mean grill the shops on sanitation and training.

The first place we stopped at, we had fun checking out the earrings. Then the girl popped up behind the counter and was someone I went to school with. Honestly, did not encourage confidence. The second shop, the girl was halfway hanging out the back door, putting on her make up and wouldn't even talk to me. I was in full mom panic mode. We made our way to our final stop and the gal working at the time was the manager. She gave me the full tour and answered every question. I was still uneasy, but feeling a little more confident.

We picked up Claire and then headed to grab Ross. Claire was super pumped and proudly told Ross that she was going to get two pokes.

When we walked into the shop, the manager was waiting for us and immediately swept Claire away to go talk her through everything. Claire picked out some earrings and climbed up into the seat and chatted away with the girl. She didn't even bring her lamb and only held Ross' hand because I brought it up. She was such a champ all while I was two seconds away from a heart attack. Everything was fine and went great and if they get infected, it will only be because Claire is letting Aoife touch them with dirty fingers.

As we drove to drop Ross off, I realized what a psycho I was and it was exhausting. I need a nap. Pronto. Heaven help my poor husband and three daughters for having me, Captain Lunatic, as their wife and mother.

Super pumped to get earrings!

Getting her ears all cleaned off after.

I have earrings!!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

18 Weeks.

-Reading over this, I realize I'm a little snarky today. I apologize.

Remember that one time, before I had a hoard of kids and I was super good at blogging and I took cute pictures and told the whole world about our family happenings? Yeah, I can't even remember what day of the week it is most days. As long as I remember Wednesday to take the garbage out before the garbage man comes.

So I had another appointment bright and early this morning. I've been super crampy and contraction-y the last couple weeks, and I also lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks so I was a little concerned. I'm still suuuuper nauseous, though the actual barfing has gone down. We're about at the point where I start dilating, so I was pretty pumped to actually see the doctor today and have some reassurance. I go in every week for shots, but today was an actual doctor office visit.

I think my shots were documented wrong the first time, I always have to correct the nurse on which side is due for the poke that day. And I think today I got the nurse that had done my last few injections in big trouble. Oops.

I love this doctor. She's quick and efficient, and also has four kids so she doesn't look at me like I'm psycho when I go in. Not dilating yet, babe is alive and sounded great, and my belly was measuring a week ahead, so we're not worried about the weight loss. Ross has started a new fitness/food/life plan and is doing awesome with meal planning, working out, and overall accomplishing great things. And I feel like an oaf sitting on the couch eating Italian Ice.

Anatomy scan is in 2 weeks and we'll find out what we're cooking. Neither of us have any inklings, and I'm always super jealous of those people that just know. Ya know? We're not rooting either way, we weren't trying for a boy, and we're not going to keep going till we get a boy, and I think that covers the questions we get asked daily.

And now for the part that you've all been waiting for, because we're always concerned with how everyone else's body looks: Here's me at 18 weeks... in my bathroom that I really need to clean today. Also, I wear glasses sometimes now. Mostly when I'm driving, or reading, or doing nails.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What Were We Thinking?

Yesterday I started shots to keep this little nugget in and cooking. Which means for my time line, I'm about halfway for when I typically pop. We find out what we're having in 4 weeks, and I suppose it's getting all too real now. Laying in bed last night, I admitted to Ross that I'm terrified to add another to our circus. Some days are great and beautiful and the girls are sweeter than sweet, and other days I'm left wondering what in the world we were thinking.

When the children weren't in bed sleeping.
The first time the girls gave each other hair cuts.
That one time when Aoife wasn't napping and my walls and bedding matched her face.
That one time we potty trained.
When my kid refused to poop. -That reminds, me, I need a follow up appointment because she STILL won't poop.

And then there are hard days like this.

When Claire had to wear a helmet for months on end and go to physical therapy every week.
And when Tiegan needed breathing treatments.
And when I had to leave the hospital without my baby because she had to stay in the NICU for a while.
And then we get blessed with days like these.

And maybe I just don't take pictures of the bad days, but based off of the evidence, it would seem the good days mostly outnumber the bad.

I'm reminded of a quote from Jim Gaffigan, a comedian with 5 kids: “Well, why not? I guess the reasons against having more children always seem uninspiring and superficial. What exactly am I missing out on? Money? A few more hours of sleep? A more peaceful meal? More hair? These are nothing compared to what I get from these five monsters who rule my life. I believe each of my five children has made me a better man. So I figure I only need another thirty-four kids to be a pretty decent guy."  (Seriously, if you want to know what it's like having kids, look up his work. Or if you have kids and need reassurance that you're not the only one struggling, look up his work.)

I'm still terrified to have four kids, but the days filled with the "little sister to big sister" looks and giggles make the days when my 2 year old bathes herself in applesauce all worth it. And it's reassuring that someone else can do it with one more kid and see the humor in parenthood. 

I'm almost 26, drive a minivan with 3, soon to be 4 car seats, making Costco runs with audio choices of Frozen, Taylor Swift, or "Who can find a dog first?" That is my life. And I guess it's pretty awesome.

Friday, January 1, 2016

A Mini Scooter Tour of Epic.

Ross' sister is staying with us for a while. She got in Monday night and we've been having the best time. We took advantage of the New Year's Holiday and showed her around Ross' work. I feel weird calling it that because he doesn't actually work in those buildings, but sometimes he has meetings over there so that counts, right? I say mini despite the almost 50 pictures because we only showed her a smidge of the campus. With the whole place empty, we even let the littles take along their scooters. Made me wish Santa had brought me one, too. Once in a while one of the girls would want to just run so a big person got to have a turn. Here we go: The Mini Scooter Photo Tour of Epic. In no particular order because they didn't upload right and it's not worth rearranging. Enjoy!