Monday, January 25, 2016

18 Weeks.

-Reading over this, I realize I'm a little snarky today. I apologize.

Remember that one time, before I had a hoard of kids and I was super good at blogging and I took cute pictures and told the whole world about our family happenings? Yeah, I can't even remember what day of the week it is most days. As long as I remember Wednesday to take the garbage out before the garbage man comes.

So I had another appointment bright and early this morning. I've been super crampy and contraction-y the last couple weeks, and I also lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks so I was a little concerned. I'm still suuuuper nauseous, though the actual barfing has gone down. We're about at the point where I start dilating, so I was pretty pumped to actually see the doctor today and have some reassurance. I go in every week for shots, but today was an actual doctor office visit.

I think my shots were documented wrong the first time, I always have to correct the nurse on which side is due for the poke that day. And I think today I got the nurse that had done my last few injections in big trouble. Oops.

I love this doctor. She's quick and efficient, and also has four kids so she doesn't look at me like I'm psycho when I go in. Not dilating yet, babe is alive and sounded great, and my belly was measuring a week ahead, so we're not worried about the weight loss. Ross has started a new fitness/food/life plan and is doing awesome with meal planning, working out, and overall accomplishing great things. And I feel like an oaf sitting on the couch eating Italian Ice.

Anatomy scan is in 2 weeks and we'll find out what we're cooking. Neither of us have any inklings, and I'm always super jealous of those people that just know. Ya know? We're not rooting either way, we weren't trying for a boy, and we're not going to keep going till we get a boy, and I think that covers the questions we get asked daily.

And now for the part that you've all been waiting for, because we're always concerned with how everyone else's body looks: Here's me at 18 weeks... in my bathroom that I really need to clean today. Also, I wear glasses sometimes now. Mostly when I'm driving, or reading, or doing nails.

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